Hello everyone and happy New Year! I wish you the best and thank you again for the support!

You amazed me by creating crop fields much bigger than expected and suggested some improvements. This new version finally brings the long-awaited quality-of-life features for farming.

Reworked Farming

Firstly, you can plant lots of seed just by maintaining the mouse button pressed and moving your character:


Then, the cursor will indicate you if the crop is ready to be harvested or not:

Crop Cursor

Finally, you can harvest a whole field by simply pressing the right mouse button and moving your character:


Note that the attraction distance of items has been increased and so it should also be easier to pick all the items.

Removing Trees and Plants

You were numerous being frustrated that trees or bushes were in the middle of your crop fields and they weren’t any way to remove them. This is no longer the case, you can now take your shovel and remove them:

Remove a Stump

Lighting Issue

Some players have a very annoying issue with the lighting system not working correctly. I tried to understand and fixed the issue with their help (and I thank them again!) with no luck yet. I released three modified versions of the game (for Windows only, if you have the issue on Linux, let me know) to try to gather more info and fix the issue.

So if you have the issue, I would be very grateful if you could:

  • send me info about your setup (OS, CPU, GPU).
  • try the “opengl_debug” branch and send me your log.txt file located in “C:\Users\AppData\Local\Vagabond".
  • try the “rgba_textures” and “shader_always_bind” and let me know if they fix the issue or not.

Other Changes

  • Bugfix: invalid item stats after enchanting
  • Bugfix: you can plant in the crop fields in the villages (new worlds only)
  • Bugfix: crash when guards exit the barracks after sleeping
  • Bugfix: many crashes with the take dialog

What’s Next?

I’m still working on the dungeon update. I hope to release it in March!

The plans for this year, it would be great if I could release the three “big” updates: Dungeon, Lore and World Generation. The hardest parts would be done. Then it would only remain smaller features and polishing to end the early-access period!

If you face any issue or have any feedback, feel free to come on the Steam forum, the Discord server or send me an email.

Have a good day!